Window blinds are the most common type of window treatments that one gets to see – there are very few homes across the country where there are no blinds installed in the windows. Blinds are standard window treatments and are available as pre-made or custom made. You have a wide choice in the materials, colors, slat dimensions, controls and the types of blinds themselves.

Blinds for windows are essential in protecting the privacy of your personal spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms. They can often be statements of style when used in the parlor or dining room. There are materials and colors available to suit the most conventional or eclectic tastes. Now a days blinds are so popular when it comes to home decor. There is a multitude of materials available for blinds windows – here is a list of the more popular types of blinds:

Venetian BLINDS

Venetian blinds are well known for their customization, color, texture and designs. The blinds are used both as protection from excess sunlight, which cuts down the sharp sun rays and allows only sufficient sunlight to pass through. The Horizontal blinds are also a good option for maintaining privacy.

Kinds of Venetian blinds:


Wooden Venetian Blinds are made from highly seasoned natural wood ensuring the refined natural look of this style of blinds. These blinds are lightweight and easy-to-use.

Wooden Vinetian blinds come with tilt mechanism and motor controlled options with a focus on ease of use. These blinds comes in contemporary designs, modern and universal that ensure the wood Venetian blinds are always in fashion. Available in 25 mm, 35mm & 50mm slats with single and double cord operations


Aluminium Venetian Blinds are versatile, slim and practical. Available in 25mm and 50mm blade sizes, with colours ranging from classic tones, bold and bright, metallic or wood tone. Aluminium venetians are easily adjustable, with a simple twist of the wand; you instantly have total control of light and privacy. The vast majority of people have these blinds today in their homes and work place.